The Best policy

In my previous post, I said this:
See: James has used this to extoll the necessity of a specific kind of Gospel presentation -- one which is systematically rich, and makes sure that we get all 5 solas plus TULIP into our message when we speak to the lost. The truth is, I don't disagree that this is a very useful and very powerful way to present the Gospel. But it is one way, and as a tool, what it does is save people with a healthy knowledge of theology.
James has just blogged about this, and clearly he took offense to what I said -- because he believes it misrepresents him.

It was not my intention to misrepresent him, but I think it was my intention to take a shot at him. Either way, that was wrong, and I apologize with no qualifications. James: please forgive me. I know you better than that.

This discussion has become very high profile, and my normal M.O. and penchant for sarcasm will get in the way. When it does, may God be willing that I have the right heart and apologize for taking a stick to a brother in Christ.

God be with you all as you are with His People on His day. Even iMonk.

{doh} Sorry.