Monday, June 07, 2010
As you undoubtedly noticed, I like comics. I wouldn't call myself a "fan boy" because I don't give a flying FOOM what they are worth. That said, almost all the images on my blog are scanned from comics I own -- so they are scanned from comics I own and are used under what I assume is the basic tenets of "fair use" under copyright law. It would be frankly impossible to tell you where each images comes from specifically.
Many are © and/or ® Marvel Comics Group, with all rights reserved.
Others are © and/or ® DC Comics, which is an arm of Time/Warner, and not only are all rights reserved but they are a little jealous about it, so if I get "the letter" from them, those images are just going to turn into blank spots until I configure out what to do about that.
There are also the occasional images from Valiant, Image, Defiant, Dark Horse, and some indies which I'm not sure even have a name, and they are all also © and/or ®, all rights reserved.
All other images not covered by this disclaimer are the property of their respective owners, and if you are one of those people and you see your image on my blog, tell me what you want me to do about it and I will. No sense making people angry.
Hope that helps.
Bwa ha ha ha ha
There has been a great disturbance in the (Washington) Post.
I am ashamed by how hard I laughed at this.
Well, not that ashamed, because I'm still laughing.
When 90 years old YOU reach, look as good, YOU will not. Heh!
You underestimate the dark side...
:) Timely.
By this association, you insult all decent, hardworking, rapaciously totalitarian Sith Lords, everywhere.
Amen, Dan.
"Only the Sith believe in absolutes."
As much as I see the resemblance, I can't but help think of Ephesians 4:29
Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.
I am an editor for which is a social network dedicated to the christian community. As I look through your web site I feel a collaboration is at hand. I would be inclined to acknowledge your website offering it to our users as I'm sure our Christian reformed audience would benefit from what your site has to offer. I look forward to your thoughts or questions regarding the matter.
Vicky Silvers
Sthith? What's a Sthith?
I found your site as recommended by Elder White. Listen, before someone dismisses me as one who needs to lighten up, get a sense of humor, etc. Please think about the following thru the lens of scripture. My flesh does find this picture comparison humorous. I have to repent of that fleshly desire to tear down and make fun (at the expense of another) of Ms. Thomas. Let me ask you, when you walk up to her to declare the glory of God and call her to repentance, would you start the conversation with a statement reminding her how unattractive she is, that she reminds you of the star wars guy? The obvious answer is no. How does Our God want us to relate to those who are lost?
Pressing on
Eric Opsahl
Eric --
My thanks for your eye to the lost.
My opinion is that the comparison is more apt due to her political comments than her actual physical appearance. This is more political satire than simply school-yard mocking.
I respect your conscience in the matter, and your approach to the issue. I'm going to disagree with you on this one.
Frank, how can this be anything but a comparison of her actual physical appearance? You only provided two unflattering images and challenged the reader to make a comparison.
There are no links or references to political comments for any reader who is unfamiliar with Helen Thomas to think this was anything but mocking her appearance.
As for any political comparisons, I'm not sure I see the resemblance.
Why would I even think about Helen Thomas except for her vile remarks about the people in Israel? As a current event, are her remarks that obscure?
Does she actually look like Palpatine? Sure - a little. But the real resemblence is in their dark political outlook.
Everyone else gets the last word on this. I'm pretty much over it.
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