The Pulpit blog is considering John MacArthur's affirmation that Calvinism demands pre-mil eschatology. They are fielding questions there, and because Nathan B is running the show over there, it will be informative, I am sure.
For those still somewhat giddy over the topic of baptism, the FV/paedo/credo thing is going full-tilt in the meta of the linked post at Doug Wilson's blog. Who knew that when you get down to the question of what the church ought to be doing, you have to concede that the only way the church can do it is if it is full of regenerate people? Well, Paul knew that -- that's what he told the Corinthians, anyway.
I tell you this because I am tied up today and it is unlikely that I will be blogging much. But I want you to be stimulated so that you will return to catch a fix.
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