I got an e-mail from a faithful reader today who asked me, "So how do you pick a child to sponser through Compassion International?"
My advice: you can't pick. It's too heartbreaking. That red ribbon graphic -- you understand what that means, right? How can you look at these kids and not want to take them all in? My suggestion is to use the "pick a child for me" link on the left at the top of the page when you click through from this blog (the blue button in the right sidebar).
If you do not sponsor a child through Compassion (or some other Christian relief org; Compassion is my org of choice), you should stop reading my blog. Stop reading right now. You are using my blog to prop up your conscience rather than doing something -- and believe me, you can't do less than what they expect from you at Compassion and be doing anything at all -- and I hate that. Don't read my blog if you can't do something about the things that get discussed here.
It's $32 a month. You spend more than that on Cokes every month, dude. You could drink water from the cooler and save up enough money to sponsor one of these kids. You could Eat PB&J on Mondays for lunch and save that money to do this thing.
Just don't come around here complaining about your sad, sorry, non-reformed local church if you personally aren't reformed enough to minister to orphans and give mercy to the poor and oppressed.
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